The gym has become your second home, and you’re pushing it to the limit while you’re there, yet somehow your results aren’t exactly where you want them to be?  You might be sabotaging yourself with a few habits, that you’re not even aware of.  Take a look at the list below, and see if you’re working against your “work”!

Habit #1– Skipping Meals/Healthy Snacks- Skipping meals generally results in over indulgence at night!  Omitting a healthy meal not only diminishes your appetite control, but it also squashes your willpower.

Habit #2– Speed Eating- Slow down and savor your grub!  This simple act of actually chewing and enjoying, will enable you to push the plate away once you’re full.

Habit #3– The Weekends Don’t Count Mentality- This will only set you up for weekday failure!  Many “weekend foods” have Palmitic Acid (found in saturated fat) and this acid can negatively affect your body’s Leptin (a hormone that helps regulate appetite).

Habit #4– Choosing The Salty Snacks- Salt causes unintentional indulgence, whose calories add up fast!

Habit #5– Drinking- Booze adds up quickly!  If you sit down and really log your alcohol consumption, you’ll no doubt be shocked at the calories you’ve racked up!

Habbit #6– Eating in front of the TV- Studies show that an average of 300 extra calories are consumed with in front of the tube!